Short Term Loan Facility
Koperasi Gemilang Malaysia Berhad members who are especially sole proprietor and Entrepreneurs are eligible to apply for this facility for capital injection and other reasons. Maximum Repayment tenure is 12 months by way of Bullet Repayment and can be extended to 24 months’ subject to Loan Committee’s approval and Terms and conditions may apply.
- After Successful completion of 6 months as a KGMB member only entitle to this Facility
Repayment Facility
- Post Dated Cheques
The said terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the Management. However, for those who have entered into a contract, the terms and conditions remain the same.
If you are interested in this Facility and want to know more information about Interest rates, kindly drop us an email to or you may contact our Credit Division via Official WhatsApp +60125144199 during office hours.